The Death of Maria Malibran (1972) by Werner Schroeter
Sunday, October 6, 1985, 8:00 pm
The Other “New German Cinema” — The Cinema of Excess
In collaboration with Goethe Institute
Tonight’s program includes major films by two of West Germany’s most outrageous and original contemporary film stylists.
7:00 P.M. — Ticket of No Return by Ulrike Ottinger, 1979, 108 min — A dark fantasy set in the bars and streets of Berlin, Ticket… sketches a psychograph of two very different women — one rich and eccentric, the other poor and naive — both of whom embark on a grotesque alcoholic’s sightseeing tour.
9:00 P.M. — The Death of Maria Malibran by Werner Schroeter, 1972, 104 min. — Inspired by the story of a 19th century opera star who died on stage from over-exertion, Schroeter has created a parody of Gothic horror. Starring wildly made-up women, transvestites, and the Warhol-discovered Candy Darling.