Sigmund Freud’s Dora: A Case of Mistaken Identity (1979) by Anthony McCall, Claire Pajaczkowska, Andrew Tyndall & Jane Weinstock
Sunday, November 7, 1982, 8:00 pm
Thriller by Sally Potter + Sigmund Freud’s Doraby McCall, Pajaczkowska, Tyndall & Weinstock.
Thriller (1979) by Sally Potter, 45 min. “Thriller works from and with the opera, La Boheme. Mimi’s story unfolds by way of cinematic conventions associated with the suspense genre. She is a detective, searching for clues to her own death and in the process, investigating the fate of other oppressed women.” – Jane Weinstock.
Sigmund Freud’s Dora: A Case of Mistaken Identity (1979) by Anthony McCall, Claire Pajaczkowska, Andrew Tyndall, Jane Weinstock. “Recently, Dora has been the focus for the appropriation of psychoanalysis by feminist theory. Questions about the exchange of women, representation of female sexuality, and the marginal or contradictory position of women in language have been discovered in her story. But the descriptions Frued gives of Dora are not innocent documentary facts… This film starts from the position that psychoanalytic processes also exist in basic film technique, the iconography of the mother, and in pornography.” – from notes by the filmmakers.
Jane Weinstock, writer and co-filmmaker of Dora, will lead a discussion afterwards.