The Red Tapes (1976) by Vito Acconci

Wednesday, November 17, 1982, 7:30 pm

Vito Acconci in Two Parts


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

Vito Acconci in Two Parts: A special two-night lecture/performance with Acconci, cosponsored with Western Addiction Lecture Series and the SF Art Institute. 

Also on on November 17th

Conversions (1971), super-8mm, 72 min., b&w silent. Videotape: The Red Tapes (1976), 140 min., b&w, sound.

The work of Vito Acconuci has consistently exemplified the idea that art is “the place where sex, politics, commodity and ritual come together.” Acconuci emerged as one of the most dynamic forces in American art of the ‘70’s, and he has worked in many mediums. Over two evenings, he will show selections from his films and videotapes (performing with them) and discuss aspects of architecture relating to his work.