37/78: Tree Again (1978) by Kurt Kren
Sunday, June 14, 1987, 8:00 pm
Years of Transition — The 1970s
During the 1970s the Cinematheque’s focus broadened to include the work of filmmakers from all parts of the United States and Europe, while continuing to provide a showcase for new Bay Area films. This evening’s program offers an overview of the films shown during these years.
Subpoena for Sabine by Ed Jones, Siamese Twin Pinheads by Curt McDowell, Foregrounds by Pat O’Neill, Pause! by Peter Kubelka, Soma by Sandra Davis, LMNO by Robert Breer, An Evening at Home by Gail Camhi, New Improved Institutional Quality… by Owen Land, Closer Outside by Vincent Grenier, and Tree Again by Kurt Kren.