Back in the Bay Area to take a position at UC Berkeley, longtime Cinematheque collaborator Jeffrey Skoller joins us to introduce two evenings of films discussed in his new book, Shadows, Specters, Shards: Making History in Avant-Garde Film. Tonight’s program features two very different modes of excavating autobiographical and historical memory. In Chile, Obstinate Memory, Patricio Guzmán returns to Chile after 25 years to examine re-membered traces of the Allende coup and its horrific aftermath, while Daniel Eisenberg journeys across Europe to revisit his parent’s experience surviving the Shoah in Cooperation of Parts. In both, filmmaking becomes a process of mourning and a means of tracing the past’s continual resurfacing. Please join us for a small reception and book signing after the screening. (Irina Leimbacher)

Sunday, March 5, 2006
Shadows, Specters, Shards: Making History in Avant-Garde Film
Guzmán's Chile and Eisenberg's Cooperation of Parts
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts