Sunday, May 1, 1994

Small Gauge Treasures

In Gentle Memory - A Tribute to Marjorie Keller

San Francisco Art Institute

Presented in their original 8mm formats

The recent death of Marjorie Keller at age 43 was a shock to all who knew and loved her. A passionate artist, teacher, and writer, Keller was one of the very few during the last two decades whose efforts helped insure a continuing place for independent/experimental film in American culture. Tonight we honor Keller’s memory with a program of her 8mm work, films which vividly reflect her belief in the importance of uncalculated, private moments and the individual voice as aspects of artistic expression. Titles include: Turtle; Untitled; She/Va; Film Notebook Part 1; The Web; By Twos And Threes: Women (Std. 8mm); Lyrics (S-8mm).