Our city is widely recognized as a significant pad from which flights of artistic discovery have long been launched. These works by recent San Francisco Art Institute graduates demonstrate ongoing pursuits of exploration and excellence, showing clearly the broad range of investigation and viewpoint Bay Area creativity represents. Taeko Horigome’s Facing the Dragon explores personal intimacy, plus both tough control-and radical loosening-of her processes. Minyong Jang’s newest work, The Breath, looks inventively at quiet beauties of the natural world. Joshua Kanies’ Zen of John Muir and Scar lyrically focus on our planet, but are concerned with man’s relationship to it. In Rue Vaugirard, L’Amour Physique, Matthew Swiezynski patiently expands time in his observations of quotidian minutiae mediated by technology. Finally, Christina Battle explores filmic tactility in her 35mm works Hysteria, Traveling with Eyes Closed Tight, The Distance Between Here & There, and Migration. (Charles Boone)

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Starting in San Francisco / Going On
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts