Sunday, March 8, 1998

Steve Fagin's TropiCola + Salsa Dance Party

California College of the Arts

Steve Fagin’s video work has been featured at a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and is the focal point of a recent book, Talkin’ With Your Mouth Full: Conversations with the Videos of Steve Fagin. His new feature TropiCola was shot in Havana and San Francisco using Cuba’s finest actors and San Francisco’s own Fito Reynoso in a cameo performance. The picture ricochets in style from telenovela to verite to cabaret, all surrounded by the sounds of contemporary Cuban music. Salsa played hard, not soft. The picture tries to capture in its net that most elusive of butterflies: the present moment. Try to catch it yourself before it vanishes. On the web: http://sgva-serv1.ucsd/~sfagin/. Screening followed by live salsa at a nearby club.