Thursday, February 26, 1998

Swallow and Shulie

Recent Work by Elisabeth Subrin

California College of the Arts

Boston videomaker Elisabeth Subrin joins us with a premiere of her new Shulie, a critical remake of a little known 1967 documentary portrait of a young Chicago art student who a few years later would become a notable figure in Second Wave feminism and author of the radical 1970 manifesto The Dialectic of Sex. The film, shot in Super 8, plays with the notion of document and explores the mythos of the late 60s with irony and humor. Preceded by her multiple award-winning Swallow, in which she shifts between 1st and 3rd person, child and adult voices, to narrate “her” story (a depressed, anorexic, overachieving girl in the midst of the Feminist Revolution) and problematize the myth of the stable identifiable self, the author, and biography.