Thursday, March 20, 1997

Unstable Mirrors

Films By Pelle Lowe

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Pelle Lowe’s films and performances have been riveting Boston and New York audiences for years, and in her first San Francisco appearance she will show a broad range of super-8mm and 16mm films: “I’m interested in the ways that culture mediates emotion and identity…How do certain gestures and emotional styles become repressed or ritualized to the extent that they return as something else?” (P.L.) Earthly Possesions is an exploration of hysteria, fragmentation, obsession and loss. It’s a ghost story, metastasizing false endings and identities; a fever dream inspired by Wuthering Heights, Grimm’s fairy tales, and the paintings of Fuseli and Balthus. Pelle will also show Smoke, Work, Bottomline, new city movies and night rolls, which begin a series of meditations about “…the demolition of the urban memory palace.”